Area 75
Alcoholics Anonymous in Southern Wisconsin

Finance Committee


Send your Contributions to (click here for Area Contribution Form):

Area 75 Treasurer
PMB #167
5464 North Port Washington Rd. Glendale, WI 53217

To contact the Treasurer, send an email to:  treasurer@area75.org

Use this form to submit expenses to the Treasurer:  Expense Report Form

Drop your flyer here or click to upload
(Note: only PDF files can be uploaded)

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The purpose of this Web Site is to help the still suffering alcoholic by carrying the message of recovery through Alcoholics Anonymous.

Based on the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous only AA events and meetings will be accepted on this web site.

By clicking 'I agree' below you confirm:

  1. Only AA meetings will be accepted on this web site.
  2. Meeting or events affiliated with any other entity will not be accepted.

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