The purpose of the Cooperation with the Professional Committee is to provide accurate information about AA to those who have contact with alcoholics through their profession as well as those working in the field of alcoholism.
Members of CPC committees inform professionals and future professionals about AA.
Committees focus on:
· Establishing better communication with professionals working with alcoholics
· Finding simple, effective ways of cooperating without affiliating
· Explaining clearly what A.A. does and doesn’t do
CPC Workbook: CPC Workbook
CPC Kit: CPC Kit
Subscribe to’s About AA, a Newsletter for Professionals or review previous newsletters’s AA for Professionals page includes general information for all professionals and has links to pages for specific professions, including the following:
· Clergy
· Drug and Alcohol Court Professionals
as well as how AA works in your community
For more information please contact the CPC Committee Chairperson Linda B. Email: Phone: 608-403-7255
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